Where to Start with Card Making

Handmade cards are currently extremely popular and sort after. You’ll no doubt have seen them when you’ve been shopping for a greetings card for someone. However they’re usually far from cheap and you might have chosen to pass them over for the mass produced usual cards. You may even have glanced at them and thought “I could probably do something like that”. If you have, and in fact even if you haven’t, you’d be right – they are fairly simple and easy to do. Not to mention a really fun hobby that’s both fulfilling and a brilliant creative outlet.

There is always a new holiday or celebration just around the corner that gives you the opportunity to flex your creative muscles and design a new card. Weddings, Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries and more are all perfect. Or just the chance to complete a project and relax doing something you find enjoyable. Card making will also teach you many new craft skills over time as you become more confident in your abilities and want to take on greater projects. Be that stamping, stenciling, embossing, cross stitching and more, all are ideal for handmade cards and with time can be mastered to create stunning designs.

And we’ve yet to mention the satisfaction you will get from thinking up a special card for someone close to you. Presenting them with a birthday or anniversary card that you’ve taken time to get just right or personalise with something you know will be extra special to them is extremely rewarding.

And this is what card-making-world.com is looking to help you with. We like to think of ourselves as the site for card-making 101. Even if you’re completely new to the world of card making or have been doing it for years, we think you will find something of interest. Be that the advice and inspiration to getting started in card making or new ideas, techniques, tutorials, equipment recommendations, the basic card making supplies you will need, a card making community and much more. We’re confident we’ve got something to cater for everyone who loves cards as much as we do.

If you are new to all this then we suggest starting by going through some of the introductory articles we’ve put together. They are designed and written for anyone just getting started and would fit nicely under the banner of card making for beginners:

  • Card and paper – there are so many different types of paper and cards knowing which to begin with can be daunting. Our rundown of all the types and what they’re for is an essential read for new card makers.
  • Adhesives – Which glues do you need for the the different elements of card making and what to steer clear of. Follow this quick guide to avoid any ‘sticky’ situations.
  • Card Equipment – all the range of equipment and tools you will need or may want to invest in before getting started.
  • Embellishments – To make your cards that little bit extra special, add a fancy or beautiful embellishment.  Our simple guide to what’s available and which sort of cards they’re best suited to will show you how!
  • Stamping – an essential part of card making and one that will become second nature to you very quickly. Our guide will have you a stamping master in no time.

We believe all of the above should give you the basics for getting started. After that we have a whole selection of different tutorials, ideas and inspiration for your different cards. Also some good advice on the more advanced tools you may want to consider in the future and where to get the best deals on all your card making supplies.

The main thing to remember though is to have fun! Enjoy your new hobby, embrace the creativity it allows to grow in you and let your imagination inspire you to create your own card masterpieces.

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